Intimacy with the Beloved:
New Year’s Retreat for Restoration and Renewal

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Friday, Dec. 27, 2019 – Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020

Please join us for an extended silent retreat of restoration, renewal, and remembrance, as we transition into the New Year by taking refuge in the depth of the heart – through silent meditation and prayer, breathwork, and cultivating the heart of gratitude.


“Sing to me in the silence of your heart and I will rise up to hear your triumphant song.” – Rumi

Practicing in the sanctuary of spiritual friendship and finding refuge for the soul are more necessary than ever in these tumultuous and often trying times.

Together we will step back from the intensity of this past year, and – through inward remembrance of the heart – reconnect to our inner wellsprings, and revitalize our outer lives and service in the world.
This retreat will include silent meditation and prayer, solo renewal time, focused spiritual inquiry, experiential breathwork sessions, and intimate council process to nourish our gratitude for 2019 and prayerful aspirations for 2020.

Retreat leaders:

William Keepin, PhD and Rev. Cynthia Brix, PhD (hon) are founding directors of Dawn of InterSpirituality and Gender Equity and Reconciliation International(GERI). Both are long time practitioners of silent meditation and prayer, and certified facilitators of breathwork. Will is a physicist and transpersonal psychologist, and Cynthia is an ordained interfaith minister. Their books include Divine Duality and Women Healing Women. Will’s latest book is Belonging to God: Spirituality, Science, and a Universal Path of Divine Love.

Garrett Evans began practicing in the Zen Buddhist tradition in 2011, and has since maintained a daily practice of meditation and silent prayer. He is a Program Officer for GERI and feels called to bring together his contemplative practice with this healing work in the world.

Prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.

~ St. Therese of Lisieux

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General Fee: $425 per retreatant (includes delicious vegetarian meals and shared accommodations)

Time:  Retreat begins Friday the 27th promptly at 5:00 p.m. and ends Wednesday the 1st at 2:00pm.

Location: Retreat is held north of Seattle in a quiet, pristine setting ~ details will be sent upon receipt of registration/ deposit.


Sliding scale available: $325 – $495

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